Wednesday, September 22, 2010

top 10 music

10.Good times bad times,led Zepplin
9.Civil war,Guns n' Roses
8.Paridise city,Guns n' Roses
7.Diamond on a landmine,Billy Talent
6.Tom Sawyer,Rush
5.Another brick in the wall,Pink floyd
4.Janie's got a gun,Aerosmith
3.Eat the rich,Aerosmith
2.Stairway to heavan, Led Zepplin
1.Rag Doll,Aerosmith

AEROSMITH ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

new neighbours

Our neighbour have just finished building a huge "shed". For a shed it has electricity, plumbing and a normal garage door. Shed. huh? Anyway our neighour came over to tell us our neighbour wants to move his fence on the other side of the swail, causing more problems like it will flood our Gary's yard and when I was little my dad build a gate by the swail so I could go visit Gary and that will now be in his yard. yay :(

Anyway we now have to deal with a shaded yard and flooded swail.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

pure skill

I don't hane to say mush about this picture
the dog says it all

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I just finished eating the best dinner I have ever had in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the main course we had a roast with a whole bunch of seasoned veggies but the
best part was the desert. WE had Coldstone icecream and on top of that there was grilled pinnaple with toasted coconut and to top top it off was a home made caramel sauce. Healthy eh?
Did i write that all of this was cooked by my best friends mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

FJ cruisers

This summer I have been counting all the fj cruisers i saw and in two months I saw
5 silver
8 black
3 burgendy
7 white
5 green
10 blue
2 purple
34 yellow
total 74
That is 74 in 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

more pure epic

have you ever wondered where hidden security cameras are well i have the anwser!

bad news

HORRIBLE NEWS: school starts in almost 4 days
I think there should be 2 months of school and 10 months of vacation. School should be the 2 coldest months of the year. Don't you agree?

my mom thinks it is good news

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I havent blogged in a while because i was to busy packing for our vacation. i am so excited. did i mention we are leaving tomorrow?(at 6 in the morning)we are not even half packed and we still have to load the outback(our new car). we are heading over west to a whole bunce of towns in B.C.. the longest we will be staying in one town is 5 days, a new family record. the sad part is that we have to leave odon behind but i am sure he will have fun with katie. i will post lots of pictures when we come back home.

hopefuly no broken bones!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


My mouth still hurts from loosing Bobby but I think I am over him now.

In case you do not know who bobby is (or was) he used to be a little (big) lump of scar tissue on the inside of my cheek. Today my dentist, Doc. C. cut it out with this laser pen sort of thing. He froze my mouth 3 times. It took an hour and a half to wear off. now there is this sort of black scab in my mouth that tastes like burnt skin.

Any way i just wanted to say bye to Bobby.

Elyssa (The epic)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Newfie jokes

I have a book of Newfie jokes and I wanted to share them on my blog.

Newfie,"Do you know what I think of you?"
Newfie,"I was hoping you'd think of something"

I once knew a newfie who threw himself at the floor and missed.

Aggie,"I saw you tonight jarge. Why were you comming out of that pub at midnight?"
Jarge,"WEll Aggie..hic...I had to come out sometime"

Nova Scotian,"What did that suit cost you?"
Newfie,"a small down payment and a change of address."

"I play hockey, i stand at six feet, two inches and weigh two hundred and seven pounds. My slapshot was timed at one hundred fifty-four mph and i can skate fourty miles an hour. What do you think of that?"
coach,"Will you join my team?"
"That may be a problem, you see i'm married and I don't think my husband would approve"

Newfie walked into a store and asked for two cans of dog food.
Clerk,"Where is your dog?"
Clerk,"well, I can't see you the dag food"
a day later, newfie walked in and asked for a can of cat food.
Clerk,"Where is your cat?"
Clerk,"Well I can't sell you the cat food"
Two days later newfie came in carrying a brown paper bag.
Newfie,"put your hand in here."
Clerk,"What is that soft stuff?"
Newfie,"I would like a roll of toilet paper."

Did you like them? This is only a little bit but i am getting tired of typing and Alphadog is at my house. i will post some more later

Epic fail

I was looking at pictures on the interweb and I found this epic picture and just wanted to post it on my blog so here it is...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

my first post

I finally made myself a blog and it is awesome. i am still trying to figure out how to use it but i am getting the hand of it.